Live-Stream Webinar: The Impact of Digital Technology in Your Periodontal Practice – A Better Way to Deliver Oral Health Care
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Category 2 - 2 CE
Speaker: Dr. Sonia Leziy
Dr. Leziy completed her post-graduate degree in Periodontics at the University of British Columbia. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada, a Fellow of the ICOI, and a member of the British Columbia Society of Periodontists, the Canadian Academy of Periodontists, the American Academy of Periodontists and the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. She has chaired scientific programs for several organizations. She is an associate clinical professor and sessional lecturer at the University of British Columbia and co-mentors a multi-disciplinary study club in Vancouver. Dr. Leziy is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Esthetic Dentistry and the Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. She has published on implant esthetics and surgical protocols, including 3 textbook chapters published by Quintessence Publishing (2008, 2011) and by Wiley Publishing (2018).
Dr. Leziy has been involved in several clinical trials involving dental implant design advances. Her Elatus Dental Bio-architecture hands-on courses focus on soft tissue grafting advances (dermal ‘ARC’ protocol and guided implant surgery and restoration). Dr. Leziy lectures internationally on the subject of implants and advanced esthetics/periodontal plastic surgery. She was a Lucy Hobbs Award Winner in 2012, and 2013 co-recipient of the Seattle Study Club Saul Schluger Award. She has been recognized among the top 100 clinicians in continuing education by Dentistry Today in 2007-2018.
She maintains a full time private practice in North Vancouver, British Columbia.
Periodontal practice is being shaped by technology with various levels of digital technology penetrating the average practice. This presentation will explore how scanning innovations and digital concepts are shaping our skills and treatment planning solutions, underscoring the importance of adopting a digital philosophy in both conventional periodontal and implant surgical therapies. Concepts that will be reviewed include collaborative virtual surgical planning for teeth and implants and guided surgery/provisional treatment using a stream lined workflow. Basic tooling and training to implement this workflow will be discussed, along with strategies to implement a time efficient collaborative protocol, an overview on how this has reduced our post-treatment failures and complications, underscoring why nalogue planning and treatment execution should be minimized.
Coupled with this, this presentation will highlight how this leads to more focus on minimally invasive surgical procedures and improved patient experiences.
- Outline what financial investment and training is required to move
into the digital realm
- Define how we effectively collaborate between surgical, restorative
and laboratory disciplines in the digital workflow
- Explore with case illustrations the applications of digital concepts as
they relate to periodontal monitoring, planning and treatment, as well
as in implant dentistry
- Discuss the impact on practice efficiency and finances, quality of
care, reduced practitioner stress, practice profile and patient views on
perceived treatment quality and professionalism
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