Lecture hosted by Straumann | Free for OSP Members*
*2024 membership must be renewed by February 16, 2024 to attend
Hands-on has a capacity of 25 participants
Breakfast & Registration: 7:30 AM
Lecture: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Hands-On: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Date: March 3, 2024
The rehabilitation of the terminal dentition or completely edentulous arch with dental implants and a fixed solution has become a focal point in today’s implant practice. With patient awareness increasing from radio, TV and social media; prompting them to seek treatment, clinicians find themselves faced with the need to offer these services. In addition, evidence-based treatment protocols promote the social, functional and esthetic benefits of dental implant supported restorations, and with the increased integration of digital technology, this process has become streamlined for the treatment team. With the complexity that is often faced in these clinical situations (bone reduction, implant positioning, template design and fabrication, abutment selection, provisional fabrication and indexing), technology that is currently available, run by an extended member of the treatment team allows for these steps to be pre- planned and fabricated to ease the burden on the surgeon and restorative dentist at the time of surgery.
This full-day course will focus on the technology utilized to plan and order (“smile in a box”) CBCT guided templates and provisional restorations for treatment of the full-arch patient. Participants will be given presentations that demonstrate the stepwise patient evaluation and planning process followed by hands-on sessions executing the principles taught. Participants will also experience the use of the co-DiagnostiX software to import a DICOM file and merge it with a dual scan prosthesis. In addition, techniques to segment, plan implant placement and abutment selection will be covered. On a patient simulated model, the participant will use CBCT-generated stackable templates in the placement of four dental implants followed by abutment placement and indexing of a prefabricated interim restoration. All course participants will keep the hands-on model as a valuable patient education tool to be used in their practice.
- To recognize factors of significance in the assessment of patients for full-arch CBCT guided placement and loading of implants
- Become familiar with the varying template designs for the placement of implants in the full-arch situation
- Understand techniques involved with immediate loading of implants with a full- arch fixed prosthesis
- Become familiar with the options for definitive restorative materials as well as protocols in the maintenance of patients with full-arch restorations
Speaker Information:

Dr. Luiz Gonzaga
Dr. Gonzaga graduated from the Catholic University of Brasilia College of Dentistry in 2004. After working in private practice and taking perio/implants CE courses for one year he was accepted for the Implant/Periodontics specialty training, graduating in 2009. Dr. Gonzaga was awarded with the ITI scholarship in 2010 and completed his OMFS fellowship that same year. He was accepted to the graduate Prosthodontics program at the University of Florida in 2011 and is the current Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Florida Center for Implant Dentistry. Dr. Gonzaga is a ITI speaker and fellow of the International Team for Implantology, the American College of Prosthodontics, the American Equilibration Society, the Academy of Osseointegration. Dr. Gonzaga’s research interests include timing of implant placement, implant design and biologic implant complications. He maintains a full-time surgical and restorative practice within the Center for Implant Dentistry. He lectures both nationally and internationally on esthetic and implant dentistry.
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM: Breakfast & Registration
8:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Dr. Gonzaga Lecture
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Lunch
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Dr. Gonzaga Hands-On Workshop
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Michelle Ryckman Lecture